Pressure Washing Alternative in Easley, SC

Pressure Washing Alternative in Easley, SC
If you’re thinking of having your home pressure washed, consider SoftWashing instead. There’s many benefits. One benefit is safety. Having your home pressure washed can be pretty dangerous. Many building materials used today are not made to withstand 1000 PSI, let alone 3500 PSI found today on most store bought pressure washers. This amount of pressure can etch and destroy materials such as vinyl siding, brick, wood, and aluminum trim.
SoftWashing uses about the same amount of pressure as a garden hose, or a decent rain shower. So you can trust that it won’t harm any surface of your home. First we apply a special cleaning detergent to your home at low pressure. This breaks down algae, dirt, dust, pollen, as well as countless other contaminates usually found on a home. After a few minutes of dwell time we rinse using low pressure/high volume. This gives an amazingly clean surface that will stay clean much longer then if we simply blasted the top layer of dirt off. Most of our clients have found that their house still looks great after 18-24 months after our SoftWashing service. As a bonus, we always detail the exterior of your windows so as not to leave any streaks or soap residue. We promise they’ll be cleaner when we leave, even if you chose not to have your windows washed.
If you have a home in Easley, or anywhere else in the Upstate, SC area, please allow us to give you a free written estimate or demonstration of how we can safely wash your home. Use our “Instant Estimate” tool at the top of the page to get a free quote within minutes.